Version 2.1.1 of the Ultimate Character Controller is making its way to the Opsive Store and the Asset Store. A script was renamed in this release so ensure that you remove the Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts folder before importing. If you are upgrading from a version prior to version 2.1 ensure you have first performed the 2.1 import steps. This update contains the following:

  • Animator can be executed during FixedUpdate (default) or LateUpdate (documentation).
  • Added support for UMA (documentation)
  • Added the option of specifying which bones should be smoothed within the Ultimate Character Locomotion component
  • Added a state callback for when the character is moving
  • Added an airborne motor acceleration/dampening field
  • Renamed the Deterministic Object Manager to Kinematic Object Manager.
  • Improved when the Quick Turn ability starts
  • First person arms will move offscreen before unequipping when the character dies
  • Fixed the jump animation from getting stuck if an object is blocking its upward trajectory
  • Fixed not being able to build a single perspective item
  • Fixed ride from dismounting before the item was unequipped
  • Fixed first person camera from not correctly adjusting with the vertical offset
  • Fixed non-dominant items from playing sound effects when equipping/unequipping