We attended GDC for the first time last week and had such a great time! We have been to many game dev conferences but this really is the one to go to. We were only in San Francisco for four days and those four days were action packed. We spent a lot of time at the Unity offices, talked to customers and potential customers, and logged many steps walking the expo halls.

Unity Meetings

It’s no secret that the past six months have been a challenging period for Unity. We were hoping that Unity would have some dramatic changes coming and we were not disappointed. Unity 6 is going to be released soon and you can see their roadmap in this video:

There was one meeting in particular where Unity gave us a glimpse into their long term plan. This discussion is under NDA so we cannot elaborate on it but our faith in Unity has been restored. It is going to take some time for Unity to get where they want to go but we firmly believe that they are on the right track.

Thank you to the Unity crew for hosting us throughout the week!

Future of Opsive

On Wednesday morning Justin had the opportunity to go on Jason Weimann’s GameDev Show and talk about some of the things that we’re working on. If you missed it you can find the interview at:

In this interview Justin mostly talked about the next major iteration of Behavior Designer and also Omni Animation. The next major update of Behavior Designer will use DOTS allowing for an insane amount of performance. Development on this DOTS version of Behavior Designer has been going well and we hope to have this version released in the summer. We’ll have more info as we get closer to the release.

Omni Animation was also a major topic for us at GDC. Generative AI had a huge presence at GDC and we believe that it’s only going to get stronger. With Omni Animation we are proud to play a part of this generative AI revolution and will have some major news on exciting upcoming features in a few months.

GDC Expo

One of the highlights of GDC for us is talking to game devs and hearing how they’re using our assets. In our limited time outside of meeting with Unity or talking to customers we walked the expo hall looking for potential partnerships. You really need a plan when walking the expo hall because there’s no way you’d be able to talk to even a fraction of both the tools and game booths. One of the booths that we did not want to miss was the booth from Anything World. We met these awesome people at devcom last year and will have some exciting news soon about our partnership.

To wrap things up we are really happy that we attended GDC and are looking forward to seeing how the conversations we had there change our trajectory for 2024. GDC is now going to be a conference that we go to every year because it has been so beneficial for us.