Why does the Cinemachine View change the character rotation?


I used 2 view type:
Combat (first person view) and Cinemachine
When I call: SetViewType(CinemachineViewType) the character rotation was changed.
I would like to keep the character rotation when change ViewType, because when I turn back to the previous ViewType (Combat type), The camera should not rotate away from the first view.
Combat View(View 1) =>Cinemachine(View 2)=>Bake To Combat View(Must the same as View1)
Nerver mind. I figured out.
Just changed the movementType to FreeLook when change the ViewType. Then the character rotation will not be changed by the new ViewType.
Also, I must write a new ViewType that keep the previous Pitch and Yaw so the camera can get back to View1 after switch back to CombatView.