Version Control


Justin. Do you think going forward in perhaps the next version of the controller and add-ons, you could perhapps add a version checker in either the Installer Window and/or the Main Setup Windows. With all the updates as well as Unity's great package manager issues not detecting versions properly this would be a nice thing to have. And especially when switching between multiple projects that are using your asset. Simple really as add the version next the Addon Name (installed_v.x.x.x). Same for installed version of the controller. Thanks for listening.
I have it on my list to have my automation script add the version number and when I do this it would be easy. There have been numerous times where I have almost forgotten to update the version within the asset and by including it in the installer it would be another place for me to forget which is less helpful than for it to not be there at all. There are some other areas where I'd like to improve the build automation script so when I get to that I'll definitely add it. It is a good suggestion.