Update Runtime Source Code


Hi, maybe it is a more unity-general question, not sure but:
When I want to Update the BEHAVIOR DESIGNER RUNTIME SOURCE from Download Opsive page, is it enough to press Update in Package Manager/Behavior Tree? or maybe as it is an external installation I have to press Update and Import despite the Package Manager Behavior Tree is a different one? Thanks
When you import the runtime source you should first remove the Behavior Designer folder, and then import the package from the website.
When you import the runtime source you should first remove the Behavior Designer folder, and then import the package from the website.
Thanks, I know it as I read the docs more than once, but it was not the question: it is about updating the asset. I will try with other words:

. Already having installed the Runtime Source, how do I update it? Just pressing Update and Import in the Package Manager, or do I have to repeat the process of deleting the Behavior Designer default folder and downloading and Install again the Runtime Source that is modified in each release?
This question appears from not knowing if the updates in the package manager update the default asset Behavior Designer only, or if they update the Runtime Source also.
No, you have to repeat the process since the runtime source is managed outside of the package manager.