UIS support for Unity 2022.2?


New member
Having a challenge installing UIS in 2022.2, specifically multiple errors related ... Reference to type 'PopupField<>' claims it is defined in 'UnityEditor', but it could not be found". This editor version has been out for quite some time (i.e. proper release), awaiting LTS, which is likely in the not-too-distant future. A complicating factor is according to the store UCC's latest version (3.09) supports 2022.2.

Do you have a patch to address the errors? Alternatively, when do you expect UIS to support 2022.2?

Appreciate your assistance and response. Thank You


  • 2023-04-29_09-02-35.png
    77.1 KB · Views: 6
Unity 2022.2 is supported but you need to make sure you download the correct version of the asset. You can do this by downloading the asset through the package manager with Unity 2022.2. The package manager will pull in the correct version.