UIS Loadout issue on respawn


On every time respawn, adding new loadout to Existing loadout. it continuously increasing inventory, every time respawn.
I want to set up, reset the loadout on Respawn.
You are correct, there was a bug. The items were not all being removed.

Make the RemoveAllItems function virtual in the Inventory script of the Character Controller
public virtual void RemoveAllItems(bool drop)

And add this to the Character Inventory Bridge script.
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove all the items.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drop">Drop the removed Items.</param>
 public override void RemoveAllItems(bool drop)
     var allItemInfos = m_Inventory.AllItemInfos;
     for (int i = allItemInfos.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
         // Multiple items may be dropped at the same time.
         if (allItemInfos.Count <= i) {
         if (drop) {
             DropItem(allItemInfos[i], true, true);
         } else {

Now all the items will be removed before the loadout is loaded again.

This change will be part of the next update