UFPS Wall Bug


Hello Sir..

I have figured out another way to reproduce the same wall bug.. i noticed this in my game scene so i planned to somehow create it in flashlight scene so it becomes easy for you to test and fix

I created an empty project in Unity 2022.3.11f1
Imported UFPS

Please check this video - Wall Bug Video

Please also try to do similarly to reproduce the bug at your end
Please watch full video
Hello, I did some experimentation tonight with Piyush and confirm this issue is real. Here is another video of mine on the subject showing the third person perspective as well - it's harder to get the clipping working in tps in my experience however.

My personal theory for the clipping is that the character's main capsule collider clips just a tiny bit throught the ceiling to begin with, which must skew a raycast check that starts from the top of the collider.
So I tested this issue again in 3.0.16, the character can indeed no longer jump through ceilings, but I'm afraid the fix for that may have been a bit aggressive. When trying to move the character onto a small step in the flashlight tunnel, it's possible for him to actually get on it and get stuck or have difficulties moving. One thing that we may need to consider is some sort of ability or ik or animation feature that lowers the character's head or upper boddy when below a close ceiling. Here's an example of that :
And here is a video showing the issue in 3.0.16 at 5:20 :

Hi, here is yet another video on this topic. The collision detection when stepping on the small step in the flashlight section is still questionable in 3.0.17, the character can be stopped for a short moment before actually stepping on the object, I invite you to try this out for yourself.

As I say in the video, the best way I can summarize this is : either the character can step on this object, or he can't. If he can, then this interruption should not occur.
I am reverting this change from 3.0.17. It caused too many issues. I'll take another stab at it for a future release. It's tricky because the collider is changing with the animations and the collision detection runs before the animator updates.
Hi ! I also hope to see other collision improvements as I am working on a game mainly focused on cramped interiors and still want to be able to jump consistently without ceiling collision issues. Thanks for the hard work !