UCC3 Final IK Integration Non-Dominant Elbow Target Issue


New member
Hi @Justin,
I was integrating Final IK with the TPC and noticed that the non-dominant elbow rotation is assigned to the shoulder effector which causes some weird behaviour. I managed to solve it by using the chain bend goal instead of the shoulder.

Here is the fixed code:
if (m_FullBodyBipedIK != null) {
    IKEffector effector;
    IKConstraintBend elbowEffector;
    // If the item belongs to the right hand then the left hand is the non-dominant hand.
    if (m_FullBodyBipedIK.references.rightHand == itemHand) {
        effector = m_FullBodyBipedIK.solver.leftHandEffector;
        elbowEffector = m_FullBodyBipedIK.solver.leftArmChain.bendConstraint;
    } else {
        effector = m_FullBodyBipedIK.solver.rightHandEffector;
        elbowEffector = m_FullBodyBipedIK.solver.rightArmChain.bendConstraint;
    effector.target = nonDominantHandTarget;
    effector.positionWeight = effector.rotationWeight = effector.target != null ? 1 : 0;
    elbowEffector.bendGoal = nonDominantHandElbowTarget;
    elbowEffector.weight = elbowEffector.bendGoal != null ? 1 : 0;

Hope you could add this fix for future update.