UCC with entity SubScene


New member
Hi, im working on a hybrid project with a entity subScene, because there are tons of entities that need to interact with environment, the subscene has all the map geometry, and to my surprise, UCC worked just fine, at least for movement and gravity, which makes me wonder why and how can further integrate the entities enemies.

There is any proper way to do this currently? i was thinking in making a new HitscanShooter for example to check in entities physics world and instantiate a game object placeholder to receive the hit at that time (for example with health component) and then sync it with entity after the damage, but HitscanShooter is a lot more complex than a raycast with a gameobject return, so maybe there is a better place to integrate something like this?
The character controller depends on a lot of systems that are not built with entities in mind so you have tried more than me. Unfortunately I don't have any guidelines here, it'll just take a lot of your own experimentation.

After you have done so I would be curious to hear more about what you did and what worked/didn't work.