UCC minimum setup for Damage, Health and Pooling


New member
Greetings Justin)
Can you please tell me what`s a bare minimum of UCC not for a player character, but for a health component and damage system usage?
Need a projectile, health, pool and damage events from TPC for "Make an AI game".
Movement and AI are completed in Behaviour Designer, and whole weapon system is en external asset.
Thou i like TPC Health.Damage to much to abandon it )
So... what`s the minimum i need from UCC to make health, pooling and projectiles/damage events work?:)
You should only need to add the Health component which will also add the Attribute Manager component.
Hi Justin,
I thought I would post this here because its a good title and I have a similar question. I have a custom character controller and weapon system that I need to integrate with UCC.

My question: Is there an easy way to get a generic projectile to interact with an UCC AI character? I have tried to understand all I can about calling the "damage method" and subscribing to events, etc that have been posted in the documentation but really don't understand it and just need someone to point me in the right direction on where to start.

What exactly is needed to tell the health component on an AI that the projectile that just hit them caused for instance: 25 damage?
Do I place then place the code needed into a script that is attached to the actual generic projectile itself or does it go somewhere else like the generic gun?

Thank you for your patience, as you can tell I have just enough knowledge of scripting to get myself in trouble but common sense is still a ways off I suppose.