Trying to execute an event and getting a null reference exception.

I'm trying to execute an event using the event handler. But it keeps throwing me NullReferenceExceptions. I've double checked that my object, string, and both my arguments are not null.
The only hint I'm getting is that the problem is happening at:
"Opsive.Shared.Events.EventHandler.ExecuteEvent[T1, T2](System.Object obj, System.String eventName, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) (at <27da9e1afec54f2fb2a11d46a234f9df>:0)
And now that the event system is hidden/buried in metadata I can't diagnose what is going wrong. Does anyone have any tips/hints/help they can offer?

Here's my trouble line of code in my script:
EventHandler.ExecuteEvent(m_GameObject, "OnLockOnAbilityStart", m_Target, true);
You can download the shared source code which will allow you to better debug. It's on the downloads page for the character controller that you purchased.
That helped. I forgot that I changed the event to send two parameters, and did not change the actions subscribing to match (they were still only accepting one parameter). So when the event handler tried to invoke as an InvokableAction<t1, t2> it was coming up null.
Thank you!
No, this is not available for version 3. Version 3 shares assemblies with Behavior Designer 2 which will be closed source.