Top-Down Controller Look Direction


New member

I am using the Top-Down Controller and just started with your system (Bought the whole package so maybe some more questions will occur).

My first issue is that I want to have more control over where the player looks at when using the Top-Down Controller. I want to be able to have my own Update function where I call something like: SetTopDownDirection(Transform target or Quaternion rotation or float eulerY) instead ofa lways and only having the mouse screen coordinate control.

I guessed that even though this function might not exist in your system out-of-the-box, there must be a place in code where you get the mouse coordinates and therefore I just need to swap them out with a public var that I can change from my own scripts.

So my question would be, am I right in this, and what would be your advice to have custom control over look direction in Top-Down Mode?

Yes, in this case you should create your own MovementType (for character direction changes) or ViewType (for camera direction changes). The direction that the character looks is within the MovementType.