The Conditional Evaluator subtree does not trigger again while another subtree is running


New member

I have the tree above to move a character to the clicked point on the terrain. But if the player clicks again somewhere else, I want the character to go to that new point instead of finishing its movement to the old point. The conditional evaluator checks if the mouse is clicked and Reevaluate is also set to true. It works somewhat, but the character finishes its movement to the old point first, before I get to click again. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
I would restructure your tree to use conditional aborts. With conditional aborts you'd be able to get your tree down to about half that size. This video has a pretty good overview on conditional aborts:

In your case Can See Object would be replaced with your mouse click conditional task. Seek replaced with Raycast Screen. And Idle replaced with Move Towards.