Text field for Attribute Display


UCC1 had a text field to display the amount of your Attribute.
UCC2 didn't get that feature.
Wondering if you can squeeze that in before next update for UCC3

I know i can use an event though to achieve this. Probably more efficient to just give it a option to display the amount. Since attribute event value change is tripped quite often.
Be really nice if it used TextMeshPRO
Unity depreciated Text now actually.
With that being said you probably want to go over UCC3 and get rid of Text and replace it with TextMeshProUGUI everywhere.
Right now I am only doing fixes to version 3 until we reach add-on and integration parity with version 2. I have made a note of this but I don't know when I'll be able to get to it.
With that being said you probably want to go over UCC3 and get rid of Text and replace it with TextMeshProUGUI everywhere.
TMP is used throughout the demo scene and we have a separate object that can use either.