Text Alignment


Just bought the utility "Ultimate Inventory System" and download and imported it. I ran the "Demo."

Problem: I'm currently looking for a solution. But, the text that pops up in game writes over itself in places making it very difficult to read. I think it also blocks / hides some buttons.

Again, I'm looking for a solution and will continue to look.

Best wishes.
One other user experienced a similar issue. I haven't been able to reproduce it. My guess is that you have changed the text mesh pro default font asset or maybe simply have a different version of Unity/Text Mesh Pro.

Something else I would try is set up the game view to 1080p

If nothing works try importing in an empty project with Unity 2019.4 to see if that works as expected.
I'll try to set up the game to use 1080. I do have three monitors connected to my computer. Two are standard 1920 x1080 but one is a 2560 x 1440.