SpawnParticlePreset [bug] + Dynamic SpawnParticle


SpawnParticlePreset > Particle Prefab > is not available when trying to select it from the Inspector.

I currently have an inherent of SpawnParticle to dynamically create the ParticleSystem. I did not see an easy way to pass a var to the SpawnParticle indicating it's SpellIndex. Is this the right approach? If so, I need "Spawn" to be public virtual and "m_Transform" + "m_SpawnedTransform" to be protected.
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Are you referring to the Spawn Particle BeginEndAction, CastAction, or ImpactAction? It looks like there is a public property for all three. Maybe it's related to this?

I currently have an inherent of SpawnParticle to dynamically create the ParticleSystem. I did not see an easy way to pass a var to the SpawnParticle indicating it's SpellIndex. Is this the right approach? If so, I need "Spawn" to be public virtual and "m_Transform" + "m_SpawnedTransform" to be protected.
You're talking about the CastID, correct? This ID isn't stored by the SpawnParticle as it is sent at runtime. The purpose of the ID is so the action knows which cast action ended since multiple spells can be active at the same time.