Some questions


New member
Sometimes I can go up the stairs, sometimes I can't. The radius of the collision body is 0.3. I have tested the Max Step Height from 0.3 to 0.5, and in various situations, I can't go up the stairs normally. I found this model on the Internet. It was normal at the beginning. After I deleted (3dsmax) some useless meshes, the problem appeared, but I did not change the stairs. Besides adding a collision body on the stairs, is there a way? There are also some questions:
0. (I solved the problem of going up the stairs by changing the model)
1. The camera sometimes enters the model, such as inside the character or inside the wall
2. You may not be able to jump when going up the stairs, the probability is high
3. When I go into a corner, this corner is surrounded by a collision body, not just in one direction, then there is likely to be stuck in this corner
4. Suddenly there is no sound, but it is possible to play other sounds alone
5. When I go in the opposite direction, the character will not immediately go in the opposite direction, but will turn a half circle
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Your character's step height should be lower than its radius.

Also I would be careful deleting "useless" meshes from character models. You might affect the rig in an unexpected way.