[SOLVED]BD 1.6.6 Class doesn't exist in unity


New member
BD 1.6.6
Unity 20.1.6f1

After Import BD in my project I have two errors :

Assets\Plugins\Behavior Designer\Runtime\Basic Tasks\Network\IsClient.cs(9,20): error CS0103: The name 'NetworkClient' does not exist in the current context
Assets\Plugins\Behavior Designer\Runtime\Basic Tasks\Network\IsServer.cs(9,20): error CS0103: The name 'NetworkServer' does not exist in the current context
Those tasks no longer exist in 1.6.6. You can just remove the files - unity packages don't handle deletions very smoothly.
Hi Justin, thanks for quick anwser.

So I have imported BD in a new and empty project. I found than version 1.6.6 in asset store is version 1.5.10 :/ It's why I have again those depreciated nodes.

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Ok found the problem ... In my cache, I had an old version before BD package renaming ( version 1.5.10 from 2017) and the package manager imported this version and not the one with the new name :/

This fix solves my 3 threads, nice :)