Slot0ItemStateIndex won't reset with custom animation


New member
Hello, like the title say, when I attack with the demo animations it work just fine but the maximo animations get stuck and refuse to reset the Slot0ItemStateIndex back to 1.
I have made an event in the animation 'ExecuteEvent' - 'OnAnimatorItemUseComplete' and have tried going to the melee weapon script and uncheck 'Wait for Animation Evenet' under 'Use Complete Event' which managed to solve the problem "sometimes", depending on both luck and how long the timer was altough now I can't even get that to work so never mind...
The 'Slot0ItemSubstateIndex' work more or less like expected and I'm able to keep on attacking if I have one demo animation (might not be a requirement actually) so that work just fine... except for when it doesn't which seam to be completely random, sometimes I can deal a whole bunch of combos and other times none but get stuck after my first animation.

As for the animator I started out with the demo animator just so I wouldn't need to worry about the movement animations etc as I don't have a need to change that but I deleted all other layers except the base one, to make my own weapon animations etc.
I have looked at the demo and use the same requirements to change animations.

I'll point out that I'm very new to all this but I've struggled a lot and would greatly appreciate some help.
Hm, the problem may have been solved, everything seam to be working now, I'll wait with "marking as solved" until I've tested a bit more, this solution doesn't feel earned lol, not sure what I did different from before but hopefully it'll keep working on all my animations...
Edit - Yeah, it seams to work alright :D
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