Showcasing issues in new swimming pack


Active member

In summary : -The Climb from water ability is broken.
-The trident and underwater gun can’t be equipped.
-Breath bar has a very low increase rate.
-Character bounces off from ledges.
-The water shader is ugly.

That’s what I found for the moment, I can do some more testing later. Speaking of which, I’m seriously offering my services as a tester ! I’ve already started doing a bit of testing work for FastSkill and would never let you release a demo in such a broken state ! ?

Edit : Thanks to DankP3 I've discovered that the character actually doesn't bounce off from walls but is pashed back because of root motion.

The trident and underwater gun prefabs are nowhere to be found ! Yet their sound effects and item types are here, did you forget to include the actual objects ?
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Thanks for giving it a try.

-The Climb from water ability is broken.
I've been going back and forth on that one. You have to get close to the wall while swimming forward in order to get it to easily trigger. If you are still the animations bring you back further away from the wall. I guess I should increase the distance that the ability can start.

With that said, I also see that you've been able to climb out from areas that aren't supposed to be able to be climbed out from so I will fix that.

-The trident and underwater gun can’t be equipped.
These are not in this version of swimming. You can still set them up if you have the original version, but those weapons are very specific to a limited number of projects so we figured that we'd reduce complexity of the animator controller.

-Breath bar has a very low increase rate.
I'll increase the speed.

-The water shader is ugly.
It is, it's originally from one of the Unity demos. Since that's not the focus of the asset I wasn't too concerned.

That’s what I found for the moment, I can do some more testing later. Speaking of which, I’m seriously offering my services as a tester ! I’ve already started doing a bit of testing work for FastSkill and would never let you release a demo in such a broken state ! ?
Thanks for your offer :) I'll definitely keep it in mind but this should be the last new demo scene that we will be releasing for awhile. Next up is Omni Animation and Behavior Designer.

I've got a few more stuff here ! This is mainly about animation issues, the animator needs several correction for backward surface swimming and underwater swimming and maybe ik fixes for the latter as well. DankP3 asked whether I got the climb from water issues elsewhere than the moving water level section so I gave the last section another try and found that could start the ability against the wall which is too high.