Setting radius damage value and Audio Config for grenades


Active member
Hello, for the life of me I cannot find the damage value for the frag grenade's blast ! I did find the collision damage value under the Default Image Impact Data on the Grenade script, but I have no idea where the 30 damage points from the grenade blast in the demo scene come ! The Trajectory Object component is currently broken as someone else pointed out, but I doubt that's where the damage comes from.
One other thing I'd like to add is that unlike the Explosion script the Grenade one does not have an Audio Config or Audio Clips slots for the explosion sound effect. The demo grenade instantiates a prefab containing both the vfx and the explosion sound, but it would be better to have access to an Audio Config, so that we could have the option to mix random visual and sound effects.
The frag grenade spawns an explosion, and that explosion has the damage amount set to 30 by default.
Okay, I get it : the Prefab under Spawned Objects On Destruction combines everything : the visual effect and the grenade component which has an Audio Config slot ! Thank you very much !