Saving and loading newly placed objects


New member

I want to know how to save newly placed objects and loading them

note that I'm using a custom save system and I'm using your scripts but slightly modified to work with mine

Everything works just fine but I just want to save newly placed object (like dropped items for example)

so any tips or solutions to do that?

Thank you :)!
Our save system is used only to save and load the contents of Inventories and CurrencyOwners. Everything else is out of scope of our saving system. We do have a GameobjectSaver component but it is very basic to save the position, rotation and enabled/disabled components. But it doesn't work for spawned objects at runtime.
So you'll need to create your own way of saving spawned object at runtime. You'll probably need a way to keep track of all the spawned object such that you can save all their positions, rotation, contents, etc...
ok thank you very much ill try to find a way to do it..

but if you have any suggestions or tips ill be happy to have them ?!