Respawn Bug networked player floating in the air

Hello Ive encountered a bug which will make the networked character stuck in the fall loop upon respawn, it only ever affects the networked character not the local one. So while the local player after respawn can walk normally the networked one will float.

1. Character controller variant (Ultimate Character Controller, First Person Controller, etc). -> Ultimate Character Controller with Pun2 Addon

2. Unity version (include which SRP, beta Unity versions aren't supported) -> 2021.3.22f1 on MacOSX with Apple Silicone

3. Bug description:
The Character gets stuck in the Fall animation and then is able to float over the map, if he falls down further everything resets. Only affects the networked character, also can be easily fixed by changing he AbilityIndex of the respawning character to 0 from 2 upon respawn.

4. Steps to reproduce
Kill the enemy (other device) in the Pun Demo scene many many times like 50-100 times.

5. The full error message (if any)

Thanks for the report - I'll let you know after I am able to take a closer look at it. My guess is that it's collision related to all of the assault rifles. If you disable the assault rifle from spawning does it work? It could just need a layer change.