Projectile/Trail Weapons won't work (Build-Only, Editor is fine)


For some reason none of my weapons want to fire it seems and I don't see any of my Projectiles/Trails actually spawn.

This only happens in a Build, everything works fine in the Editor. I do have all of my spawnable objects in in the Object Pool
array as well.

If I run a Development build I do get the following error:

error: The character CapsuleCollider (UnityEngine.GameObject) doesnt have a Ultimate Character Locomotion component.

Using UCC 2.3.3 on Unity 2019.4.28 and running Windows 10 Pro 64bit (the Build is also a normal Standalone Windows Build).

Please, any help would be greatly appreciated!
My issue seems to be happening to some other Objects trying to spawn from the Object Pool not related to Play Weapons as well, such as some of my Pickup Items such as Health Pickups and Treasure Pickups. However, other items are fine such as the Enemies and some FX Prefabs that I spawn from the Object Pool.
Where is that error coming from? I just did a search and couldn't find it in the character controller code base. I'm guessing that's a custom script?

I would try a small scene with just the character and scale up from there. It looks like one the scripts that you are using is causing an error which is preventing the rest from working.
Hi, it seems the error was tied to the Character slot, under the Init Character On Awake tickbox, on the Opsive Camera Component. I had it empty.

How would I go about Initializing multiple playable characters though as I am making a Multiplayer game?
The Camera Controller can only follow a single character at a time. If you want it to follow multiple characters you'll need to create your own ILookSource that takes multiple characters into account.
Ah, thanks, I see. However, my camera stays still and doesnt follow any characters, but the Initialize Character method still seems to be necessary to activate the full UCC system on the character it seems.