Problem firing pistol when crouched.


Hello! I currently have a knife and a pistol set up. When crouched the knife works great as intended. But the pistol wont fire, if I click nothing happens, but then stand up the gun immediately fires, as if it saved the action. Any idea what's going on?
Hm it looks fine in the demo scene - could you try reproducing it in the demo? Are you using a custom/modified Animator on your character?
I'm using the animator exactly as is, but I have made my own pistol using item creation. Everything about it functions normally just the crouch firing seems to be bugged. Definitely my fault just have no idea why
Very strange. Check the item in the Existing Item manager (Tools -> Opsive -> Character Controller -> Item Manager -> Existing Item) and just double check that all its references to the visible item, animator controller, base arms, etc. are all fine (maybe compare it to the default pistol in the demo scene). What version of UCC and Unity are you on..? And there's no errors or warnings being logged right?