Player stuck in Jump animation


New member
Why is that? I was just trying to set up the jumping and falling states, as i have always problems with them, and it gets stuck. The animations have no Events in them, so they're not required if i'm not mistaken.
like, the set up is basically the same as the demo controller, becacuse it just works, in the demo i mean.
oh and the other states have animations with no transitions, the only set upped states are the idle one, the jump one and the fall one, but not completely: just the states i've shown.

(i can't upload the video, I've attached some screenshots, the video in on discord)

Screenshot 2024-05-05 154316.png

Screenshot 2024-05-05 154334.png

Screenshot 2024-05-05 154402.png
The best way to debug this is to look at the animator parameters when you expect there to be a transition. If the parameter look correct then it's a animator transition problem. If the parameters are not correct then one of the animation event triggers likely needs to be adjusted.
The best way to debug this is to look at the animator parameters when you expect there to be a transition. If the parameter look correct then it's a animator transition problem. If the parameters are not correct then one of the animation event triggers likely needs to be adjusted.
Yea infact the parameters look "stuck", the ability starts but never ends... as the animations have no animation events, should i create new ones?
Ok I desabled "wait for event" but now it doesn't play the animation, it skips directly to the fall anim
LEARNT! now the character jumps and lands correctly, but i have another issue, while in the jump animation the character kinda boosts mid jump...
like in the parameters i see the AbilityFloatData going from -1 (when the jump ability starts) to unreasonable values for like 2ms (while transitioning to the fall state), then to -2.2 when falling...
By default the abilities use animation events so if you haven't changed those settings then yes, you'll need to add them to the animation. If not you can use a timer:

Ok I desabled "wait for event" but now it doesn't play the animation, it skips directly to the fall anim
You should increase the timer so there's a delay.

LEARNT! now the character jumps and lands correctly, but i have another issue, while in the jump animation the character kinda boosts mid jump...
like in the parameters i see the AbilityFloatData going from -1 (when the jump ability starts) to unreasonable values for like 2ms (while transitioning to the fall state), then to -2.2 when falling...
plus it moves slightly backwards or sidewards
That sounds related to your animation. AbilityFloatData will only be set for the fall ability, the jump ability doesn't use it.
By default the abilities use animation events so if you haven't changed those settings then yes, you'll need to add them to the animation. If not you can use a timer:

You should increase the timer so there's a delay.

That sounds related to your animation. AbilityFloatData will only be set for the fall ability, the jump ability doesn't use it.
i kinda debugged it, it seems like the animation starts before the force can be applied... (for the "boost" mid air) and for the "moving" it relies on the landing animation, maybe a layer animation could fix it: in the actual landing animation, the character lands with the left foot first...
I'm using animation events, maybe it could be it too, where do you suggest to place them? at the beginning or at the end of the animation?
Ok I fixed it completely. If anyone faces the same problem, I will provide the whole fix that worked for me. I would love to show a clip rather than writing everything, but that's not a problem.