Parallel selector aborting children.


New member

I don't know exactly what the problem is but for some reason the Sequence on the right returns failure even though the "Has Utility Trait" returns success.
What i'd like to achieve is to have these initial checks (Has priority traits, has utility traits) and for the ones that return true, I want to start an infinite loop.

Is there another way I should approach this?

Thanks in advance!

The Parallel Selector will end all children as soon as the first child returns success. In general the parallel selector is a very specialized use case so I instead recommend that you use the parallel task.
As far as I understand the parallel task returns failure as soon as a child returns failure. As shown on the image the left sequence returns failure(as expected)

What I would like is that both "branches" are executed parallel and any branch that succeeds should continue running.

So in this case I expect the left sequence branch to fail but the right one to succeed and continue into it's repeater loop.

Is there a way to achieve this?
With the parallel task you can add a infinite repeater to each child which will allow it to continue on even if the child fails. The parallel selector will end as soon as one task returns success.