Opsive & EVP - Strange character behavior


New member
Morning my dudes,
I'm not sure how to describe this issue...so I've attached a video, in short...my character gets wonky after getting out of the vehicle. I've followed the EVP setup instructions and have opted to use the EVP camera controller during vehicle operations.

Known Issues: (after entering / exiting vehicle)
- While in 3rd person, Character 3rd person items remain hidden
- While in 3rd person, Character 1st person items remain revealed
- Lose control over weapon selection via mouse wheel or hot keys during this event. *Can be restored by firing currently selected weapon.
- Jumping on moveWithObject causes character sync issues. Once jumping off, character continues to move as connected to object.
- If jumping on a moving platform or similar object camera angle gets out of sync. *Causing yourself to die in some fashion corrects the previously mentioned.

> These issues only appear after exiting vehicle and weren't witnessed before adding EVP vehicle setup so I believe it's related...though I could be wrong :/

Vid Key Points:
@ 0 - 25s, Expected operation
@ 26 - 65s, weapons conflict
@ 1m52s - x, Camera sync issues

Anyway, thanks again everyone!
One step closer to freedom ;p
There is a demo scene included with the integration - have you tried seeing if you can reproduce those issues within that scene? This will allow us to reproduce the issue.

As a test I added the assault rifle to that demo scene and didn't experience the issues that you described with the items.