New Scene Setup Question


New member
Simple question. I got everything set up in my URP scene the way I want it. For future scenes do I have to go through the whole setup process again for each new scene, or is it okay to convert my Game and Main Camera into prefabs so I can drop them into new scenes?
You can create prefabs for these game objects, and add them to new scenes.
If you have some more experience, you can also create a core scene with these game objects, and additively load your level scenes. This is probably the best way to ensure consistency across levels.
You can create prefabs for these game objects, and add them to new scenes.
If you have some more experience, you can also create a core scene with these game objects, and additively load your level scenes. This is probably the best way to ensure consistency across levels.
I've read about additively loading scenes, but I've never tried it. I will look into this method. Thank you for the reply!