My behavior tree editor doesn't contain some basic tasks.


New member
Hi, a few days ago I downloaded BD and after that when I opened DEMO scene, I saw this error:

And some of the tasks cannot be found:

and others.

I thought that I didn't do something right and started reading full documentation and I mentioned that accoridng the documentation my BD should contain some tasks that I don't have, as example is Can Hear Object:

I bought these packages (UFPS, BD and Inventory) officially on the asset store and I can't get why I don't have these tasks. Because I noticed that other users on the forum have the access to it. I know that I can make tasks from scratch, but it could be useful and safe my time not to code this by myself.
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I don't have such tasks in the demo scene as:
  1. Can see Object
  2. Seek
  3. Within Distance
  4. Can hear Object
  5. Wander
  6. Patrol
Also integration package doesn't contain these actions
You are missing the Movement Pack which is used by the integration demo scene. Take a look at the readme next to the demo scene file for a link

I thought that I didn't do something right and started reading full documentation and I mentioned that accoridng the documentation my BD should contain some tasks that I don't have, as example is Can Hear Object:
If you're referring to the video tutorial take a look at the description of the YouTube video. It contains a link to the Can See Object and Seek task used within the video. These tutorial tasks will not work with the integration demo scene though.