MissingComponentException: There is no 'Collider' attached to the "Grenade(Clone)" game object, but a script is trying to access it.

Using the UIS/UCC integration.

When attempting to fire a grenade, I get the above error. It happens if the grenades are in an Item Pickup, and also happens if I put some grenades into the Inventory Loadout.

I've tried putting a capsule collider on my Grenade.prefab, but still get the same error.

Am I approaching this incorrectly?
When you have an error/warning Always copy/paste the full log message otherwise we don't have much to go on.

There are multiple Grenade prefabs: The pickup, the weapon, the desctructible object. I'm assuming the error refers the the DesctrutibleObject.
Feel free to check the demo scene assets to see how those prefabs are setup. It should give you a hint on what the issue is