Locomotion Colliders verses Layer Manager


This will most likely be a stupid question but I have to ask it anyhow.

Can you tell me what the use case differences are with the 'layers' under the collisions settings of UCC Locomotion verses the use cases for Layer Manager. I'm asking this because the locomotion collider layer mask setting indicates these layer masks "can act as colliders FOR the character"? Why are there so many layers selected for this setting if this mask is designed to FOR the character support per the tool tip? Would the layers selected here be more inline with the Overlay,sub-character and character?

Again I ask because of a specific reasons for use on some new components I'm adding. If I don't select a specific layer in the Colliders Layer Mask, but have it selected in the layers manager it will not detect the layer properly, so I have to have them both selected. Are these redundant layer masks?


Thanks for your time and again I apologize for the stupidity of the question.
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As far as I'm aware it's not used much by the character controller by default - one way it's used is to ignore sub-colliders that would otherwise collide with each other, e.g. if you want characters to be able to collide with each other, then you'd want the Character and SubCharacter layers to collide with each other, but you'd want to then avoid a character colliding with any of its own child colliders on those layers.