IsGrounded bool parameter is always positive

i'm using the ultimate character controller straight out of the box, and my player runs and idles, but the isGrounded bool parameter is always true, which wont allow me to jump. if i uncheck wait for animation event, i can jump, but of course the animation doesnt play. is there a setting i'm missing? or a way to double check the player collision bounds?
Does this happen in the demo scene? As long as the character does not jump, he is grounded, Only if the character is in the air, the parameter should be false.
Thanks for the reply. No, I've loaded the demo scene into the same project, and it runs just fine (using the demo character). It's in a fresh scene with my own character where the boolean is always true.
The CharacterLocomotion doesn't have a isGrounded parameter. It's called Grounded. If that's what you are referring to one way to debug this would be to place a breakpoint within CharacterLocomotion.UpdateGroundState and see what it is colliding with.
Thanks for the reply.

I debugged the CharacterLocomotion and UltimateCharacterLocomotion scripts, and "bool grounded" works as expected, true when on ground, false when airborne.

The "IsGrounded" parameter I was talking about is an Animator parameter, which stays checked (true) whether I am airborne or not. I'm fishing around to see if I can find something like animator.SetBool("IsGrounded", true); somewhere in the scripts, but no luck yet.

Maybe I have a bad AnimatorController?
This is not an animator parameter coming with UCC. Here's the list of animator parameters that are set through UCC by the AnimatorMonitor component.