is raycast projectile built-in or should i build my own ?


New member
I saw here that projectile objects can be used with hitscan and not necesarily a rigidbody, but i cannot find any options for building such projectiles with the object builder menu and no documentation on how to do-it manually ( in the link i gave it talks most about adding the visual trajectory indicator ).
In my game I want to have bullets that travel relatively slow ( think star wars lasers) and I want the impact to play when the bullet has reached the target (also miss if the target has moved).
For this i think i need to use a projectile but I am building a mobile game so performance is important for me and having physics for lots of projectiles would kill performance, but with the hitscan I am not able (or did not found the option) to delay the impact until the projectile (tracer) reaches the target.
Should I build my own system for raycasted projectiles or am I missing something. ( If yes I don`t really like to be critical of such a great asset, but for me it seems that this part is essential and should have been implemented for straight forward use, sorry, again this asset is amazingly well built and I appreciate all the amazing work that has been put into it ).
So you're wanting to delay when a hitscan projectile causes an impact? This isn't built in, but I just added it so it'll be in the next update (most likely early next week). I have also made ShootableWeapon.HitscanFire virtual so you can add your own firing effects.
@Justin I updated my project and checked the release notes, It still seems there is no clear option for raycast projectiles, am I missing something?
On the ShootableWeapon component there is now a delay option for hitscan. The projectile component has always used raycasts if that's what your referring to.
ok, my bad, the projectile has a rigidbody attached and i was thinking it was using physics, but after looking carefully into it i see my mistake