Is it possible to customize default name of task node or indicate a "Display Name" for context menu?

1. I notice there is a "TaskName" attribute which has yet been mentioned in following documentation, could you please add it?

2. Could we add something like [TaskMenuName("xxxx")] to customize the display name on menu?
Thanks for the suggestion - I'll add it now. What if the menu used the [TaskName] attribute instead of adding another attribute?
keep same as TaskName is also good.
Thanks for the suggestion - I'll add it now. What if the menu used the [TaskName] attribute instead of adding another attribute?

Another thing relate to this custom name: if we search in the space key menu, it depends on the original name but not the TaskName. Is this a bug? if not, could we add an option allow us search task by their "TaskName" which is indicated by [TaskName]?