Integrate pre made animated arms to opsive


New member
I have custom arms, with it's own animations and weapons. This arms has it's own events and animation parameters. This arms has also it's own scripts for animations, for example when you click R it sets necessary animation parameters and play reload animation accordingly. I am stuck integrated that to UCC. First of all I wanted to disable existing click events such as reload, fire, aim... from UCC for not to intervene my custom animation click events but I had hard time to find those click events. Is there a tutorial or example how can custom arms with it's complex animations can be integrated to UCC? if not what will your advice, what is the correct way to implement it? I just want to replace arms for fps mode, I don't care third person view. Btw I am using new input system and it's integrated to UCC accordingly.
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My advice would be more so to adapt your system to UCC. The event system makes this fairly easy, as UCC has an event you can register to for pretty much everything. Adjust your animation events to the correct naming conventions for UCC, then if your custom scripts do something unique, have the functions fired by UCC events. I think if you are to go the other way around you'll find more issues than finding input events (which you can track via the unity input component). UCC has a great design that pretty much anything can be achieved, without modify their codebase.