Input system Integration


Hello @Justin Sir ❤️
Sir, I have been using Input System integration (April) Package as u know the last update had bugs.
I really want to bring your attention to few things regarding which i would really need help too

I am using new input system because i want full controller support for my game. So, for full controller support i will have to give full UI support working with Controller, for that case i will obviously have to write my own custom scripts, which i have done.
Now, Problem is to provide full controller support we need to read which Input device user is using (MnK / XBox Controller / PS Controller) this can be done only from Player Input Component as far as i know (that's how i am doing)

But when we pause player using code
EventHandler.ExecuteEvent(Character, "OnEnableGameplayInput", false);

It turns off Player Input Component which no longer tells the current Input device user is using (Suppose of a case when user switches the input device while he is in menu)

I will have to pause the character(Player) while user is in menu, So we need a solution for this Sir
I can think of 2 solutions but for both of them i need your help also maybe u will need to do some modification in codes
1) Pausing character from the same code but it turns off only Unity Input System script and not Player Input Component (But atm if we do that then also player is moveable with the controls)
2) Pausing character from some other method and not touching Player Input component (I tried turning off UCC Locomotion script and camera script but there is a bug for eg if we press C then nothing happens but as soon as scripts are turned back on the player goes to crouch)

Please let me know if any confusion Sir ❤️
I am happy to discuss all this with you even in Discord VC for better understanding ❤️
Please help to fix this problem :)❤️
Are you using the latest version of the input integration? I remembered fixing it so it doesn't disable the Input System Player Input component, and i just checked the code and don't see anything there that disables it.
No @Justin Sir, I am not using the latest version because in latest version there were some other bugs related to rotation of the character reported by cheo earlier in his forum
That's the issue :) I have those other issues on my list but haven't been able to get to them yet.
@Justin Ohh Okay Sir, Btw i have been finding for a solution myself in unity forums and i believe i found one hopefully, it works fine but the code is bit complicated, if u want i can share the solution with you :)
With that solution i can use Old package of new input system and change UI for the whole game based on user input device independent of the Player input component