Improvement suggestion for Shield item action


Active member
I've been tinkering with the Shield Item action latley and I have some feedback for future improvement!

This is probably achivable with no to much effort using event system etc but Ill share my suggestion anyway.

1. I like the durability attribute function of the shield action. I would like to add to this an opportunity to also deduct for example stamina attribute on blocked attack. And when said attribute is at 0 or not enough for blocking, you simply dont block the incoming attack.

2. An default "OnBlock" event on the Shield action script. The same way on for example the health script:
Here you can add custom code to happen on blocking etc. It would be a nice addition to the Shield!

3. The possibility to spawn a particle prefab on blocked attack.

This is some thoughts that came to mind while adding the shield to my game! Thank you for your time
Thanks for the suggestions. Right now we are not adding new features to the controller until we reach feature parity with version 2. I've made a note of this for a future update