I can't fire my weapon after making an RPG style inventory from UltimateInventorySystem

Hello, I am using both UCC and UIS and I can not shoot my weapon even though it is showing my ammo on the UI. I have tried many different things but I can still not solve this issue.

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I have tried following the following videos but I could not figure out how to fire my weapons.

This allowed me to fire but I could not get it to work as the RPG inventory. I ended up resetting from before I watched the second video and instead followed this video.

I could not figure out what I am doing wrong. My character sees that I have ammo but just does not fire. Is there any Integration video for the RPG inventory? Even the Integration Demo does not use the RPG assets which does not help.
The issue happens immedietly after selecting Spawn In Scene in the UI Designer screen. I have tried many different things but can not get ammo to work when trying to use both the Ultimate Character Controller and the Ultimate Inventory System.

To Recreate issue:
Follow Instructions in video 1 of integration.
Follow Instructions of Video 2 up until 3:00 minutes. After that you can not shoot your gun no matter what you tweak.
Just in general I can't find a way to make RPG Inventory work with an integration for UCC.
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@Sangemdoko is on vacation so he'll have a better idea when he gets back but this sounds like it could be a problem with the UI intercepting the click events. If you disable the RPG canvas does it work?
@Sangemdoko is on vacation so he'll have a better idea when he gets back but this sounds like it could be a problem with the UI intercepting the click events. If you disable the RPG canvas does it work?
This was in fact the solution. Specifically when playing in a top down game this option needs to be selected.
The Gameplay Panel had RayCast Target enabled. Disabling this fixed the problem.
