How to setup waypoints with Simple Waypoint patrolling for UCC BD AI integration


New member
I am confused as to how to do waypoint patrolling with the integration.

Is there a tutorial on this? Or docs.

Unfortunately I didn't find any videos on this topic.

And I'm unable to dechiper the blueprint nodes. For example I'm supposed to select the Walker object, but I don't know what that is.

Thanks in advance
You should be able to follow the Simple Waypoint System documentation. If you have questions on how to setup waypoints or what the objects are within the package I would get in contact with their support. The Behavior Designer integration allows your agent to move between waypoints but you can follow the standard SWS workflow for setting up those waypoints.
Partly fixed my understanding.
I had to add NavMove script to the Opsive character and I had to set the Path prefab in the script.

For helping out others here are the steps.
1) Add a Waypoint manager as instructed in the SWS docs and then create a path with waypoints with a name. (The path with waypoints will be created as a child of Waypoint manager and the individual waypoints are under the path as children.)
2) Add the Nav Move script to the Opsive BD AI CC. Then select the path prefab in Path Container, which you want the character you want to patrol
3) You now have access to the path in BD with the nodes. One example is Patrol which patrols one time around the path

Now the only problem is I don't understand what a Walker Object is that I can setup in the BD inspector for patrol. The patrolling happens without a walker, but I want to know what exactly a Walker Object is.
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