How to properly reset a UCC character?

This link has helped in the past, but I'm ultimately curious about the definitive and proper way to reset a UCC character. I ask as I just fixed another bug related to this and I'd like to be confident I've reset everything properly moving forward. For context I now have:
  1. A main UCC character that can launch/spawn other UCC characters from a pool
  2. When despawning a spawned UCC character I currently have the following:
        // Despawn locomotion update
        UltimateCharacterLocomotion ucc = source.GetComponent<UltimateCharacterLocomotion>();
        ucc.Velocity =;
        ucc.GravityAmount = 0;
        if (ucc.Platform != null)
            // This ensures subsequent Spawn's originate properly

        // Stop all active abilities
        foreach (var ability in ucc.Abilities) // ucc.ActiveAbilities vs. ucc.Abilities was resulted in a null ability during the loop
            if (ability.IsActive)

@Justin My question is, what specifically needs be cleared and/or reset in the UCC component? Do any other Opsive systems need to clear/reset too? If so which and how?
I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head, but it may make sense to include a reset function within the locomotion component for situations like this.