How can I change the order of items in Item Set Manager?

Dave Bowman

New member

I am following this guide:

At 19:48 to 20:08 he shows how you can change the order of the items using the Item Set Manager, but my view is a bit different:

But when I run the game everything actually works fine:


However, I can't actually edit the order of items in game view. I tried looking in the documentation and playing around with some settings in the UFPS Manager, but I can't figure it out. My guess is that this has something to do with Default Loadout settings that I may have missed.

Thanks for any help!
Looks like you haven't added those item sets and they're instead getting automatically added at run-time. You can add item sets using the + button at the bottom of the list of item sets.
Hi Andrew,

Thank you for your quick reply. I had tried that and what ended up happening was I would get duplicate Item Sets on runtime (E.g., 2 CustomBows, and 2 CustomAssaultRifles). I ended up restarting Unity and then making a new character and item set collection from scratch, and now it's working. The only difference I can think of in terms of set up was that the second time around I defined all items in my item collection in one go, where as the first time I defined items and them later came back and added more to my item collection, so perhaps I missed a step somewhere.

In any case, thanks for your help!