How can Animancer work together with it

I'm hoping somebody who has used Animancer can share their expereinces as I haven't used it before.
I switched from mecanim to animancer and implemented it into UCC.
I needed a few days and had to change the animator monitor. But imho it's pretty nice. Much more responsive - I don't even need quick start/stop abilities anymore. Also, once you got the handle on it, it makes it much easier to implement specific logic (speed, fading, events, combo variations & whatever...)
Downside is, you have to have some coding knowledge and I haven't found a good way to make it more modular yet (I'm still novice coder)
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I switched from mecanim to animancer and implemented it into UCC.
I needed a few days and had to change the animator monitor. But imho it's pretty nice. Much more responsive - I don't even need quick start/stop abilities anymore. Also, once you got the handle on it, it makes it much easier to implement specific logic (speed, fading, events, combo variations & whatever...)
Downside is, you have to have some coding knowledge and I haven't found a good way to make it more modular yet (I'm still novice coder)
Can I help with it? I'm interested too in implementing Animancer in UCC
Can I help with it? I'm interested too in implementing Animancer in UCC
Hi, sorry for late reply I'm a bit busy.

You achieved anything yet with Animancer? I'm more in a bug-fix mode atm. Seems like there is always something one forgot.
Hi, sorry for late reply I'm a bit busy.

You achieved anything yet with Animancer? I'm more in a bug-fix mode atm. Seems like there is always something one forgot.
Hello, is it worth? Can integrate well with UCC? I hate using animators. I have no experience with Animacer, and want to try it.
Hello, is it worth? Can integrate well with UCC? I hate using animators. I have no experience with Animacer, and want to try it.
I'm very happy using it.
With my limited coding experience I implemented it within a few days to UCC.

Main advantage for me is the automation. E.g. I can add animation events from the editor and they will be applied automatically. Also things like speed, fading etc. can be handled with some handy animancer components directly in the editor.
The UCC system helps you very well here mainly bc you can tell the abilities when to start/not start and stop so the animator only needs to read the values from the animatorMonitor.
I'm very happy using it.
With my limited coding experience I implemented it within a few days to UCC.

Main advantage for me is the automation. E.g. I can add animation events from the editor and they will be applied automatically. Also things like speed, fading etc. can be handled with some handy animancer components directly in the editor.
The UCC system helps you very well here mainly bc you can tell the abilities when to start/not start and stop so the animator only needs to read the values from the animatorMonitor.
Hey Klin, there are quite a few ways of integrating UCC and Animancer but what you got going seems good. Would you mind posting a small video showing your setup so we have some insight?
I switched from mecanim to animancer and implemented it into UCC.
I needed a few days and had to change the animator monitor. But imho it's pretty nice. Much more responsive - I don't even need quick start/stop abilities anymore. Also, once you got the handle on it, it makes it much easier to implement specific logic (speed, fading, events, combo variations & whatever...)
Downside is, you have to have some coding knowledge and I haven't found a good way to make it more modular yet (I'm still novice coder)
Hello Klin! Do you happen to have this in a repository somewhere?? Or mind if I bug you about this? I'm currently trying to do the same thing too, and would love to picky our brain or see it. Thank you!
I'd also be interested in helping with the integration, would be nice if you could 'somehow' share what you've done (if you want to of course) so we can work something out.
Is this thread still active? I've been exploring the possibility of integrating UCC and Animacer for some time, so wonder if there's a mature way already to do so.

I'm still learning the way Animacer is working and I see some different ways to integrate them with different benefit and complexity as below:

#1. Keep using Animator Controller
This is not the ideal way as I think but somewhat a quick way to integrate as Animacer can work along with Animator Controller (ie AC). This means one part of the animations is still controlled by AC, the other part by Animacer. This is probably is a good choice if someone has an existing AC already with considerable FSM built up, one is only to add new animations controlled by Animacer. This way is but the best way I think because the most benefit one can take from Animacer is to handle animation without creating an AC or its FSM. Animacer is handling animation most by pure code. So this is why I turn to think about another way.

#2. Use Animacer without creating Animator Controller
Using Animacer still needs an Animator. As components, Animacer sits beside Animator but there's no need to create any Animator Controller (ie AC) nor the FSM graph inside AC accordingly. But this comes to an important problem: How can we use UCC without creating an Animator Controller for animation? This is important because my understanding of UCC is that its Ability systems (might be other parts as well) work with AC a lot internally, and that why when creating AC for using UCC, the requirement is still we must have the same parameters as what the demo animator controller uses, all abilities will internally call the AC with proper parameters so that corresponding animations are played.

So I wonder if somewhere in UCC is exposing those 22 animator parameters that we can use directly in code. Well, I mean if still using the existing Animator Controller in UCC (say the demo one), of course I can delete all the FSM stuff only leaving the parameters there, then write some code to get the Animator, reading the parameters once an ability is active and changing some parameters from it, but this is not an ideal way. If I can get the parameters from AC by code, why not just get parameters from the ability directly? It's the abilities that set the parameters for Animator Controller, right?

To sum up, my point is the key part of integrating UCC and Animacer might be lying in the ability system. If the ability system can expose the parameters used for changing the animator parameters before calling Animator Controller, and instead pass those parameters to Animacer, it will be possible use Animacer much more benificially as there's no need to create an Animator Controller anymore and all animations can be handled by Animacer.

I'm still trying to read more UCC codes to understand how Animator Controller as well as animator parameters is handled inside the ability system (I assume abilites are still one of the core parts in UCC, otherwise why we use UCC?), so if anyone would provide me some more details of the ability system or guide me on how the animator controller/parameters are handled in UCC code, I'll appreciate.

I haven't used Animancer so I can't help much but I have started to integrate Motion Match System for Unity with the controller. This is still a ways away but in version 3.2 to AnimatorMonitor has been abstracted out allowing you to interface with other animation systems. This will allow you to create your own bridge between the two assets. The implementation is going to be very specific to the animation system that you are using but it is a start.
I just want to share my thoughts on this after going down the animancer rabbit hole too, in case it helps anyone.

So a couple months ago, I tried to do this very thing. I created my own animancer version based on the AnimatorMonitor. it worked for simple animations well. and it was easy to add. However I quickly ran into issues when I learned how the CharacterItems work.

Consider the following example:
* I have a character that can fight w/ swords. however, in order for UCC to use it, the sword must first be a character item, and you must add the Actions that can be used with the sword. These are usually -Action scripts in UCC. That also means what kind of Animations must be used with the Character to invoke an animation with this characterItem.

Now, if you only need the parameters, and dont need to modify any code. then the AnimatorMonitor should be enough. However, if you want to chain events together, use certain things like the UseEvents, UseCompleteEvents, RootMotion, SubstateIndexData, and priority or Combos. you need a deeper understanding how UCCs Actions work before you start making your own animancer version.

In my case, I love animancer, but I found it much easier to NOT use it, and learn UCC as is to fit my needs, as I would be spending months of time both adapting UCCs CharacterItem system, and understanding the code well enough to not break anything pre-existing in there. I decided I wanted to focus more on working on the game, and leaving it as is without adapting to animancer.