Generics and "Jump". How do I make this work?


New member
Is there a proven method to make jumping work for a generic (quadruped)? I've got a jump working, but it really isn't great. It's based off the "jump" that came with the TPC.

Should I just approach it by building a whole new "jump" ability? Should I be chopping up my custom animations to sort of match the structure of Nolan's jump? What's the best way too integrate it into the "fall" ability?

I can't find much discussion on this, so maybe this thread will go somewhere...

The Jump ability does not depend on a humanoid, but it does require a certain jump setup with the animation events. Did you make sure to replace the animation events?

A good debugging trick with the animator is if it gets stuck to look at the parameters. If the parameters are correct then it's something within the animator that is causing a problem (likely a missed transition). If the parameters are not correct then it's something on the controller side of things and this is normally a missed animation event.