Footstep Sounds

Hello! I have been looking for information about setting up footstep sounds and I can't find the info that I need / can't make sense of the info I've found. I have a simple First Person Controller setup with no animator. I have added every ground texture to the Surface Manager - (grass surface type) within the Game.obj and added the Character Foot Effects (Script) - (Footstep (Surface Impact)) to the Character.obj. I thought that Camera Bob Footstep Mode would work best but I get the error:

Error: There is no look source attached to the character. Ensure the character has a look source attached. For player characters the look source is the Camera Controller, and AI agents use the Local Look Source.

So I tried Fixed Interval Footstep Mode and I can run my project but there's no footstep sounds.

I've read through related sections in manual but I still don't understand how to set it up... :(

Could someone please help me out or point me to some info that may help?
This playlist contains a comprehensive set of videos describing all the steps needed to set up a new project and scene, character controller, etc. It also contains a video explaining the surface system in detail, which should be exactly what you need:

I just tested it and it worked on my end - in the demo scene the giant from the first person springs zone uses this mode.