Filter Sell Items based on Attribute


Is there a built-in way to hide items in the Sell list (Player's Inventory) that are not "Sellable"? I have achieved this by extending some classes but wanted to make sure I haven't overlooked a built-in functionality.
Yes, on the UI you can choose to "Ignore/Hide" items from certain categories. Or You can choose to only show items from a certain category

Use Default Category to only show items from that category
Use Hide Category to only hide items with that category (Use the Show Attribute Name to override the hide category)
Use the Item Collection To Ignore, to ignore items from specific item collections in your inventory

Note that In V1.1 we're changing things up and you'll be able to add as many filters/sorters as you want even custom ones
Thanks for the responsive support. I've overlooked this. The v1.1 changes will be a great addition.