Feedback on the Demo


Active member
This is a relatively minor thing, but I found crafting in the demo to be confusing.


When I tried to craft, I expected I'd press #2. My second intuition would have been a crafting button towards the bottom (like location #3, or possibly to the right with information moved up. Of course, #1 was the place you pressed. THEN you could see an option where #3 is. Why not just have that option up all the time?

I don't know if this is like a certain game (Breath of the Wild?) But I haven't seen this before. It threw me off.
I'm just gunna add this here, too. I just noticed when you switch to FPV, the character is missing their body parts in the inventory viewpane.
Thanks for the feedback.

These are quite minor so I won't fix them right away, but I'll add them to my TODO list as things to review