Failing to understand something simple about setting shared variables in a script


New member
Super new to behavior trees and trying to figure out how this should work.

I am trying to set a sharedVariable for a tree when I initialize it like this:

GameObject characterGameObject = new GameObject();
var behaviorTree = characterGameObject.AddComponent<BehaviorTree>();
behaviorTree.ExternalBehavior = characterBehaviorTree;
behaviorTree.SetVariable("myFloat", (SharedFloat)26f);

I have a simple task that prints out the myFloat variable.

using UnityEngine;
using BehaviorDesigner.Runtime;
using BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks;

public class CharacterHasJob : Conditional
  public SharedFloat myFloat;

  public override void OnAwake()
    Debug.Log("CharacterHasJob myFloat: " + myFloat.ToString());

  public override TaskStatus OnUpdate()
    return TaskStatus.Success;

The value that is printed out is always zero, i.e. what is set in the variables tab.

Screen Shot 2022-10-08 at 2.21.22 PM.png

I have also mapped the variable to the Task in the UI.

Screen Shot 2022-10-08 at 2.22.01 PM.png

I feel like I am missing something super simple and it should work.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hi I just made a quick test, my code worked so my assumption is that for ExternalBehavior your declaring characterBehaviorTree as an ExternalBehavior rather than ExternalBehaviorTree, and you should be using SetVariableValue.

    public ExternalBehaviorTree characterBehaviorTree;
    void Start()
        GameObject characterGameObject = new GameObject();
        var behaviorTree = characterGameObject.AddComponent<BehaviorTree>();
        behaviorTree.ExternalBehavior = characterBehaviorTree;
        behaviorTree.SetVariableValue("Search Distance", (SharedFloat)26f);