Enable Input on Gameplay Selected - Cannot Open Inventory UI


New member
I’ve been following along to the video at
and I can’t seem to get the inventory UI to work anymore after around 7:15 into the video. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong, but when I toggle the Enable Input on Gameplay Selection option I can no longer open the UI when running the game. I can hit the “I” key and can see it very briefly but it disappears. If I disable this option but still enable all the other options suggested in the video, the UI comes up as expected, but you still control the character with the menu open. I cleared my asset cache and installed the Opsive packages fresh. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I've uploaded an example of this happening to youtube, you can see it at

Unity Version 2021.1.1f1 (also tried 2020.3.2f1)

Third Person Controller 2.3.2

Ultimate Inventory System 1.1.7
This is a known bug.
It only happens if you are using the default Input Manager and have a controller plugged in your computer.
If you unplug all controllers from your PC and restart Unity it should work again.

The issue is quite complicated and we haven't found a good solution for it yet.
So we recommend people to use the new Unity Input System Integration, which solves that problem.

If that doesn't solve your issue please let us know and we'll look into it in more detail.
Wow, I never would have guessed that. Can confirm; unplugging a controller made this work as expected. I personally plan on using InControl but I haven't made it that far yet.

Might I suggest adding a note to the hover over text for Enable Input on Gameplay Selected to note that having a controller plugged in may effect it negatively with the default input manager or something?